C2E2 2014 Day 2

Today was a big day.  Not only would it be our first panel, covering Kenobi by John Jackson Miller, but it would also be when we held our raffle to benefit the Cystic Fibrous Foundation.

Before all the fun, a few of us went on a scavenger hunt

Before all the fun, a few of us went on a scavenger hunt

Max Rebo in the House!

Max Rebo in the House!

The Rancor Keeper (a.k.a. Gamorrean Guard) joins Max

The Rancor Keeper (a.k.a. Gamorrean Guard) joins Max

In grand book club tradition, someone is finishing the book that day

In grand book club tradition, someone is finishing the book that day

Guarding the laptop while it charges

Guarding the laptop while it charges

"Goodnight moon..."

“Goodnight moon…”

Our moderator

Our moderator

The Panel

The Panel






And of course, we held the raffle!  We collected more than $250!

Da Prize!

Da Prize!

Da Other Raffle

Da Other Raffle

Here are some pictures of the winners:

The BIG winner

The BIG winner


Yoda's going home

Yoda’s going home

Winner, Winner, Vader Dinner

Winner, Winner, Vader Dinner


C2E2 2014 Day One

The morning of the 25th, the first day of C2E2 was quiet.  Little did we know how much would change for us by the end of the day.

Getting the booth ready in the morning.

Getting the booth ready in the morning.

All Set!

All Set!


Of course, the big galaxy-shaking news dropped that day, “The EU was dead, long live the EU!”  We received the news that the Star Wars EU would now be considered Legends, and a new EU would start in the fall.  This made the Del Rey panel that day a not-to-be missed event.  We went out in, well, Force, and listened to the panel with rapt attention.  New Star Wars author Kevin Hearne was there.  And he had a book signing at the Del Rey booth right after.  All in all, a fun eventful day.

The Del Rey Panel

The Del Rey Panel

An Editor and an Author

An Editor and an Author

New Boooooks!

New Boooooks!

Kevin Hearne was awesome!

Kevin Hearne was awesome!

C2E2 2014 Day Zero

Chicago Force was proud to have a table in the Fan Village this year at C2E2.  Three of it’s members traveled to McCormick Place to set up the table, here’s some pics:

Tickets are ready to go!

Tickets are ready to go!

Badge Aquired

Badge Aquired

Docking Bay 94

Docking Bay 94

Schedule posted

Schedule posted



Preparing for Winter…Soldier Re-CAP!

We speculated on the Walking Dead finale.

We enjoyed pizza, popcorn and homemade sliders.

We watched trailers for Amazing Spider-Man 2, Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy and Godzilla.

We watched the Agent Carter and Trevor Slattery Marvel One-Shots

And oh yeah, we watched Captain America: The First Avenger

If was great, thanks again to our hosts April and Josh!

Time to Start the Movie

Time to Start the Movie

C2E2 – A Month To Go


If you are attending C2E2, make sure to stop by our Fan Table in the Fan Village S100A to enter our Life-Sized Yoda Contest.  Yes, you could take home some fabulous prizes, including this:

You want this, don't you?

You want this, don’t you?

All proceeds will benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  Look for more details soon on this and more exciting announcements.  And don’t forget, we will be discussing Kenobi on Saturday and Dark Empire on Sunday.


Exciting Announcement

The excitement continues here at CF Central!  We are proud to announce that Chicago Force will now be raising money for the Greater Illinois Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. More info on this organization can be found on their website.

Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo 2014!

Chicago Force is proud to announce that we will have a Fan Table at this year’s C2E2!  You will find us at our table all three days, Friday April 25th through Sunday April 27 at McCormick Place.

We are also really excited to announce that we will be having our book club at C2E2 in April.  We are so excited that we are having it twice.  So not only will you find us at our table, but we will be conducting our book club on Saturday and Sunday at the con.

Book: Kenobi by John Jackson Miller
DATE: Saturday, April 26
TIME: 4:45 – 5:45 PM
Book: Dark Empire from Dark Horse
DATE: Sunday, April 27
TIME: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

We have a lot of fun stuff planned, so check back here for more information closer to the con.


Remembering Aaron Allston


Once, Chicago Force took Aaron Allston to dinner.

It was the end of March in 2009.  Aaron was on a book tour for Outcast and was appearing at the Borders in Oak Brook.  Chicago Force attended the Q&A, got our books signed, and then took him to a local sports eatery.  It’s been five years and I can’t remember all we talked about that night.  But I do remember that talking to Aaron was like talking to another fan.  A fan that loved Star Wars.  Good-bye Aaron Allston, we will miss you and your writing.

Phyllis Schulte of the Rebel Legion put up a report of the book signing from the Rebel side, which can be found here.

Preparing for Winter…Soldier

Captain America: Winter Soldier will be released to theatres soon, so what better way to prepare than to watch Captain America: The First Avenger? Joshua Stechschulte is kind enough to host.  So on Saturday, March 29th at 7 p.m., bring some cash to order pizza and your beverage of choice and join us.
