Game Night 2014: Recap

Key to a successful game night, R2D2 and Han in Carbonite ice cubes.

Key to a successful game night, R2D2 and Han in Carbonite ice cubes.

The grand Chicago Force tradition of hanging at the bar continues.

The grand Chicago Force tradition of hanging at the bar continues.

The kids play another round of their favorite game, "Tackle Joshua"

The kids play another round of their favorite game, “Tackle Joshua”

Josh and Chris get their X-Wing on.

Josh and Chris get their X-Wing on.

So Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the...

So Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the…

Time to play Gloom.  Depressing stories followed!  It was a lot of fun, really!

Time to play Gloom. Depressing stories followed! It was a lot of fun, really!

Board Game Night 2014

Come one, come all to Chicago Force’s magnificent Game Night!! Got a favorite game? Or three? Bring ’em! Chicago Force will be meeting at Lecho’s house at 6pm on Saturday February 8th, chipping in for pizza and playing whatever games tickle our fancy.

Lecho will have Coke and Diet Coke as well as whatever you’d like from the bar. If you’d like anything else to drink or snack on, please feel free to bring it.


Life Day 2013 Pictures

Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

Dan prepares to "fluff the beef"

Dan prepares to “fluff the beef”

Tie Fighter Crescent Rolls are ready for the oven.

Tie Fighter Crescent Rolls are ready for the oven.

Commence fluffing of the beef.

Commence fluffing of the beef.

Of course, everyone ended up in the kitchen.

Of course, everyone ended up in the kitchen.

Lencho was looking at the pretty pictures.

Lencho was looking at the pretty pictures.

Fresh from the oven! Yum!

Fresh from the oven! Yum!

A cute elf stopped by.

A cute elf stopped by.



Hmmm...what to eat first?

Hmmm…what to eat first?

I'm sure the beef will be ready sometime....

I’m sure the beef will be ready sometime….

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...until next year.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy…until next year.

All smiles at the holiday part.

All smiles at the holiday part.

Children gathered, presents gathered, time for the gift exchange.

Children gathered, presents gathered, time for the gift exchange.

Lucky number 7! Last to pick for the gift exchange.

Lucky number 7! Last to pick for the gift exchange.

Surprise! It's a Star Wars gift!

Surprise! It’s a Star Wars gift!

Another Star Wars gift.

Another Star Wars gift.

The unwrapping continues...

The unwrapping continues…

More gift exchange fun.

More gift exchange fun.

Wampa Claw!

Wampa Claw!

The carnage of the Wampa Claw continues.

The carnage of the Wampa Claw continues.

You do not want to be riding a tauntaun tonight.

You do not want to be riding a tauntaun tonight.

Another steal in the gift exchange, it pays to draw the last number.

Another steal in the gift exchange, it pays to draw the last number.

Life Day Party 2013



It’s time for the annual Chicago Force Life Day party! We will be meeting at the home of Joshua Stechschulte on Saturday December 14th at 6pm.  Dinner will be pot-luck. We’ll also be doing a gift exchange/swap as we do every year ($25 minimum). Kids are absolutely welcome! Please contact Joshua on Facebook for the address.

Additionally we’re looking to donate toys for all the children in the tornado affected areas downstate. We be collecting NEW toy donations at the party.

Also, don’t forget book club will be at 4pm, we are reading William Shakespeare’s Star Wars:

"’Tis a tale told by fretful droids, full of faithful Wookiees and fearstome Stormtroopers"

“’Tis a tale told by fretful droids, full of faithful Wookiees and fearstome Stormtroopers”


Karaoke with Chicago Force

On Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 7 pm travel with us to the NW side of Chicago to Sidekick’s for our annual karaoke night. There will be mass consumption of alcohol to build up confidence and sing our hearts out. “Safety Dance” or “Blurred Lines” anyone? Come one come all!!

4424 W. Montrose, Chicago, Illinois 60641



Star Wars Night at Kane County

Time for the fun to start!

Time for the fun to start!

And also with you.

And also with you.

Take me out to the ball game...

Take me out to the ball game…

Look at the size of that thing!

Look at the size of that thing!

A Bounty Hunter visits.

A Bounty Hunter visits.

The Jesse White Tumblers performed after the game.

The Jesse White Tumblers performed after the game.

Before the fireworks, the lights go out and the lightsabers go on!

Before the fireworks, the lights go out and the lightsabers go on!





Great Shot Kid!

Great Shot Kid!

Chicago Force BBQ 2013

On August 17th, Chicago Force braved the Black Maw and went to Twin Lakes Wisconsin for the Chicago Force BBQ.

We sat and talked movies, had great food from our Grillmaster Mark, went on a boat ride and just had a ton of fun!



Requirement #1 for a BBQ: Chips

Requirement #1 for a BBQ: Chips
Requirement #2 for a BBQ: Dessert

Requirement #2 for a BBQ: Dessert

I Like Peaches in a Can

I Like Peaches in a Can

"No, no! This one goes there, that one goes there!"

“No, no! This one goes there, that one goes there!”

We're letting him drive?  We're braver than I thought!

We’re letting him drive? We’re braver than I thought!

Sailing the not-so-high seas.

Sailing the not-so-high seas.

Enjoying the view.

Enjoying the view.

The Liams!

The Liams!


Transport to Cloud City leaves every ten minutes.

Transport to Cloud City leaves every ten minutes.

Avast!  There be Pirates on the lake!  Arrr!

Avast! There be Pirates on the lake! Arrr!

The sun sets on a beautiful boat ride.

The sun sets on a beautiful boat ride.


Cue Ewok Celebration music!

Cue Ewok Celebration music!

Wizard World Chicago 2013

Set-up on Thursday, who knew there would be so many vehicles?

Set-up on Thursday, who knew there would be so many vehicles?

Cars, SUV's and Vans, Oh My!

Cars, SUV’s and Vans, Oh My!

The before picture!

The before picture!

The after picture!

The after picture!

A closer look at the table

A closer look at the table

Look!  We have our  WizardWorld sign.  We are official!

Look! We have our WizardWorld sign. We are official!

Ewoks vs Death Star.  Who will win?

Ewoks vs Death Star. Who will win?

Table Sitting

Table Sitting

Table Standing

Table Standing

He's Loose!

He’s Loose!

Don't be sad, play Star Wars Jeapordy!

Don’t be sad, play Star Wars Je0pordy!

Even Starfleet lobes Star Wars Jeapordy!

Even Starfleet loves Star Wars Jeopordy!