Game Night 2014: Recap

Key to a successful game night, R2D2 and Han in Carbonite ice cubes.

Key to a successful game night, R2D2 and Han in Carbonite ice cubes.

The grand Chicago Force tradition of hanging at the bar continues.

The grand Chicago Force tradition of hanging at the bar continues.

The kids play another round of their favorite game, "Tackle Joshua"

The kids play another round of their favorite game, “Tackle Joshua”

Josh and Chris get their X-Wing on.

Josh and Chris get their X-Wing on.

So Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the...

So Miss Scarlet, with the wrench, in the…

Time to play Gloom.  Depressing stories followed!  It was a lot of fun, really!

Time to play Gloom. Depressing stories followed! It was a lot of fun, really!

Board Game Night 2014

Come one, come all to Chicago Force’s magnificent Game Night!! Got a favorite game? Or three? Bring ’em! Chicago Force will be meeting at Lecho’s house at 6pm on Saturday February 8th, chipping in for pizza and playing whatever games tickle our fancy.

Lecho will have Coke and Diet Coke as well as whatever you’d like from the bar. If you’d like anything else to drink or snack on, please feel free to bring it.


Game Night!

Time for some fun and games! Board game night at Thom’s house was lots of fun. And of course, silliness happened.