Here are some video highlights from our panel at WizardWorld Chicago. We had a great time, thanks for everyone that came out.
Category Archives: Conventions
Wizard World Chicago Panel
Chicago Force will be hosting a panel at this year’s Wizard World! Come join us in room 4 on Friday August 19 at 1 pm for our panel on How to Run Your Own Star Wars Academy.
C2E2 Shananigans
C2E2 2016 was another great time. A lot of time was spent meeting up with old friends, making new ones, shopping, admiring costumes, and of course, pizza. Here’s some of the Star Wars fun we saw and had.
- Funko Giant BB-8. Want!
- This Yoda is made of jelly beans
- More jelly bean goodness, yum!
- Superman in progress
- Second book in the trilogy.
- Claudia Gray signing the Bloodlines poster.
- The line for the panel was long!
- Ready to go!
- Now for the panel
- Love the Japanese inspired twist.
- Time for some fun
- Kylo and Hux, BFF!
- Why not Zoidburg?
- One side Superman
- On side Batman
- Lego fun in the kids section
- Take one plate
- Viola!
- Lego Ben
- Lego BB-8
- Lego, Rey
- Meeting up at Lou’s
Pop Culture then Pizza!
What’s the best way to unwind after C2E2? With some pizza of course!
Couldn’t go? Well the best way to pick you up is with pizza!
Join us at seven o’clock at the Lou Malnatti’s at 805 S State Street to decompress and tell us about your day.
Joliet Star Wars Day 2015
Chicago Force attended the Joliet Public Library’s Star Wars Day 6 on Saturday June 6th. The events included a parade and a lot of costumed characters.
- Open for business
- Your pass to the day
- Part of the parade
- Max
- We be jammin’
- Lego Boba
- Our friends from Dark Empire
- Untinni!
- Welcome to the table
- Impromptu Bagpipe Concert, Star Wars Music of course
- A great turnout
- Sir, let me give you a hand
- Wookie at the Museum
- Make your own figure
- BB-8 and Evil Twin BB-66
- Rock On!
- The lobby of the Joliet Historical Museum
- The Queen and her decoy
- Shhhh…time to sneak past the checkpoint
- Klingon Troubadours
Celebration Anaheim Day One
- It is a little after 5 A.M., on our way to get a wristband for the Abrams/Kennedy panel
- Wristband line
- Wristband Aquired!
- Food trucks drive in
- The sun is finally up
- The food trucks set up
- Breakfast of champions, check Abrams/Kennedy wristband, check
- Last in line for the arena for the Abrams/Kennedy panel
- See, last in line
- Help me Obi-Wan…
- Pairs of Hans and Leias
- The troop into the panel
- People get settled in
- It’s starting soon, the excitement is building
- The crowd eagerly awaits the panel
- Abrams and Kennedy
- They talk about building real sets
- Talk with droid builders
- BB-8 rolls out!
- The cast on stage
- This poster was given out after the panel
- Nice paint job
- Art to be made during the convention
- Star Wars plush
- The convention floor
- The Anovos booth is swarmed after the Abrams/Kennedy panel
- One of the Lego Booths
- Viking Food Truck in the Grand Concourse, they had a Padawan Special
- Darth Nihilus
- The Bounty Hunt being explained
- They also had a liitle bike bell that they would ring
- Imperial Guard
- The Grand Concourse
- New X-Wing and the Falcon
- First Order Stormtroopers
- BB-8, ready to roll
- Kylo Ren’s saber
- Kylo Ren’s costume
- Flametrooper
- Snowtrooper
- Trooper Backpack
- Close-up of the snowtrooper
- Daisy Ridley’s costume
- The Anovos suit
- A close of the Anovos helmet
- A great scene with Kotobukiya
- Kotobukiya Sandtroopers
- More from Kotobukiya
- Kotobukiya Celebration Exclusive
- “He’s no good to me dead.”
- Hot Wheels booth
Celebration Anaheim Day Zero
Chicago Force arrived the day before the convention would start. Here’s some of the sights on day zero.
- Outside the airport in L.A.
- All set
- Approaching the convention center
- We are here
- Which way is which?
- The Grand Concourse
- No one would notice, right?
- Yoda banner
- Rancor crossing
- Step a little closer
- Mini-figs everywhere
- Life-size Lego Statues
- Lego goodness
- Step on up
- Lego Battlers?
- Lego it up
- Her Universe
- Gentle Giant booth
- Jabba awaits
- HoHoHo
- I feel like we should have some Shogun Warriors too
- Coming soon
- Yet, no Ewok outfit
- Yes, a shirt was bought
- Imperial Walker
- You can heard the crunch of snow
- Rancho Obi-Wan
- Animated Artoo
- Vroom, Vroom
- Rock On
- What goodies await?
- Rrrwor!
- Sideshow statues
- Sideshow goodness
- More Sideshow goodness, or evilness
- Funko booth
- Funko booth again
- The checkout line for the store
- The line for the Abrams/Kennedy panel is starting already
C2E2 2014 Day 2
Today was a big day. Not only would it be our first panel, covering Kenobi by John Jackson Miller, but it would also be when we held our raffle to benefit the Cystic Fibrous Foundation.
And of course, we held the raffle! We collected more than $250!
Here are some pictures of the winners:
C2E2 2014 Day One
The morning of the 25th, the first day of C2E2 was quiet. Little did we know how much would change for us by the end of the day.
Of course, the big galaxy-shaking news dropped that day, “The EU was dead, long live the EU!” We received the news that the Star Wars EU would now be considered Legends, and a new EU would start in the fall. This made the Del Rey panel that day a not-to-be missed event. We went out in, well, Force, and listened to the panel with rapt attention. New Star Wars author Kevin Hearne was there. And he had a book signing at the Del Rey booth right after. All in all, a fun eventful day.