Star Wars Scavenger Hunt and a Movie

Join Chicago Force at the Joliet Area Historical Museum as they host a Star Wars Scavenger Hunt. Families are invited to find 20 of the original STAR WARS action figures, plus a special bonus figure.

Afterward, join us at the Woodridge 18 for an Avengers showing

When: Saturday, May 16th 12pm

Where: 204 Ottawa St. Joliet, IL 60432

Free parking across the street from the Museum at Ottawa & Webster streets.


Karaoke March 2015

Karaoke Night – March 2015

karaoke1Join us as we sing the night away at Sidekicks!  Sidekicks is a cash-only bar, located at 4424 W Montrose Ave in Chicago. We will meet at 7pm.


And before that, we will meet at the Barnes & Noble in Village Crossing to discuss Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne. We will meet there at a later than usual time of 4pm. Hope to see you at either or both!


CF Cooking for Ronald McDonald House

Games of Thrones IMAX Viewing Report

On Saturday, January 31st, Chicago Force went to the AMC Yorktown theatre to view the special showing of Game of Thrones. Yorktown has just completed a remodel, so super plush seats and personal trays were the order of the day. We saw two episodes of Game of Thrones, The Watchers on the Wall and The Children.

These two episodes were perfect for the IMAX screen and sound. The roar of dragons and the bellowing of giants was a great experience.

IMAX Games of Thrones Viewing and Bookclub

On Saturday, January 31st Chicago Force is planning a fun filled day.

At 1pm, we will meet upstairs at the Barnes & Noble in Oakbrook Mall to discuss The Star Wars graphic novel and Marvel’s Star Wars #1.


At 4pm, we will view the Games of Thrones IMAX at Yorktown’s AMC


We will wrap up after at the Patio, right outside of Yorktown Mall.

Life Day 2014

Mark helps Dan "fluff the beef"

Mark helps Dan “fluff the beef”



Prep time

Prep time



The Yummies appear

The Yummies appear

To Trade or Not to Trade, that is the question

To Trade or Not to Trade, that is the question

Another successful gift exchange

Another successful gift exchange

Dan enjoys his new stormtrooper while Maeve looks on

Dan enjoys his new stormtrooper while Maeve looks on

The toys are added to the toy drive pile.

The toys are added to the toy drive pile.

Tom prepares to raid Josh's collection

Tom prepares to raid Josh’s collection

Life Day Party 2014


It’s time for the annual Chicago Force Life Day party! Dinner will be pot-luck as usual so if you’re able to join us please visit our Facebook page and  indicate in the comments section below what you’ll be bringing. We’ll also be doing a gift exchange/swap as we do every year ($25 minimum). Kids are absolutely welcome and if there’s snow there will absolutely be sledding  For the address in Downers Grove please PM Joshua.

Book club will be taking place beforehand at our house at 4:30 and the book will be Tarkin!

Also, there is again a toy drive so please bring a toy to donate!

2014 Brookfield Zoo Tree Trim

We found our tree

We found our tree



Let your geek ornament hang

Let your geek ornament hang

Let the decorating commence!

Let the decorating commence!

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

How lovely are thy branches

How lovely are thy branches

How lovely are thy branches

How lovely are thy branches

The Rebel Legion visits

The Rebel Legion visits

Time out for a photo op

Time out for a photo op

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree

How lovely are...

How lovely are…

...thy branches

…thy branches

Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger

We visit the Rebel Legion Tree

We visit the Rebel Legion Tree